SGS and Datacert Release the First Regulatory and Good Practices Compliance Certification in Personal Data Protection in Colombia
SGS Colombia is a leading provider of business solutions designed to improve quality, safety, competitiveness and productivity, through verification, inspection, analysis services, training and certification in the most important economic sectors.
Datacert is a brand of MS Legal, a law firm with advising and consulting experience in personal data protection for over eight years. With its own independent and specialized audit team, Datacert performs compliance verification as well as the implementation of good practices within entities.
Catalina Doncel, product manager at SGS and Dayanna Olarte, the company’s certification manager, presented this new service to a group of finance industry stakeholders including debt collection companies, universities, fintechs, insurers, enterprise unions and information bureaus, who used the opportunity to find out more about the Europrivacy data protection certification scheme, already implemented by SGS headquarters in Geneva, and basis of this new Colombian service, as well as the different Colombian laws and international standards taken by its ally, Datacert, to build the audit benchmark.
Pedro Novoa, partner of MS Legal S.A.S., highlighted the importance of complying with Colombian personal data legislation, as well as acquiring good practices incorporating international standards in the matter, “Voluntary demonstration of Colombian regulations compliance, as well as self-regulation aimed at ensuring the protection and due treatment of personal data through a certification issued by an external and impartial entity, (i) increases confidence in consumers; (ii) generates a reputational dividend; (iii) it positions the brand against its competitors and; (iv) allows the implementation of risk mitigation mechanisms through knowledge of the current situation in which the organization finds itself in terms of personal data protection law compliance, thus reducing future expenses that are directly related to sanctions from Colombian Superintendence of Industry and commerce as the competent authority.”
According to Colombian superintendence of industry and commerce figures, 54.892 complaints filed since 2010, with $37,000m Colombian pesos in sanctions, of which $10,150m were imposed only last year.
Medio: Leaders League
Experto: Pedro Novoa
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